UX Research, UI Design


a COVID-19 test results and patient management platform

Project Overview

KahalaCare is Kahala Biosciences' digital product that increases access to rapid COVID-19 testing to the general public. KahalaCare makes it so customers just need to walk in, get tested, and receive a result through the secure and HIPAA-compliant mobile app in their phone.

The team's goal was to deliver a frictionless experience for customers to receive a digital rapid test result passport within minutes.

How can we provide an easy-to-access rapid testing solution that is safe, efficient, and compliant?
  • Role
  • UI/UX Designer
  • Timeline
  • 2 month
  • Team
  • Operations team, Development lead
  • Tools
  • Figma, Whiteboard Sketching, Wordpress
With the development team, I designed the flow and UI for the website and mobile app and implemented the Wordpress landing pages. I also collaborated with the operations team to determine how the digital product would fit into the existing process for the on-site testing services.

Deliverables & Features

  • Final product
  • An end-to-end COVID-19 testing experience
  • Flow
  • Client signs up for a test --> Receive a test result through account

I delivered the designs through Figma's prototype feature and documented any specifications for the developer to reference. I also implemented the Wordpress site and helped set up the details of Kahala Biosciences' Apple store and Google Play store developer account.


If someone wanted to join KahalaCare, they would simply choose a plan to begin, or schedule a pay-per-test appointment.

Test Results

Once a customer's test is done processing, they receive their test result through their account, accessibly through the web page or mobile app.

Admin Input

The operations team uses the KahalaCare test input system to ensure each patient receives the corresponding result in a timely manner.


What we did
Prototype, Wordpress
1. Understand current operational flow
2. Create various paths depending on user type
3. Work with developer to determine how digital product will integrate with operations
4. Create fully integrated flow and brainstorm possible UI
5. Determine visual layout
6. Design UI through Figma and deliver based development timeline as reference
brainstorming task flow
  • Learning to design with agile development: I learned the importance of scheduling and designing within each spring, and not to design more than the developer plans to implement.
  • Identify internal customer as well - not only did I have to design for the actual customers of KahalaCare, I had to also observe and understand the operational flow to make sure the internal customers would be serviced as well.
  • Always keep in mind that I need to make sure all parts of the team are aligned. Operations is  separate from development, but they are the ones who will work with the product most.
I learned how to implement the landing page on Wordpress from scratch with hosting and registering the site and domain.
registration wireframe
One of the most crucial elements to building a product is presenting designs to stakeholders and executives.

It is important to understand which level of detail they need to know behind the design. Mostly, stakeholders care about how the design is connected to their particular focus within the business.
user flow
internal Admin user interface


Compared to how I previously utilized the design process to find user-centric solutions, this project really challenged me through the constraints posed by the development and operation teams. It was a welcome change from working with fellow design partners or mentors who allowed me the flexibility of designing conceptual products.

As a startup, Kahala Biosciences had a small team, allowing me to work very closely with all parts of the company. Therefore, KahalaCare pushed me to communicate design decisions clearly in a way for other stakeholders to understand the choices we made. I look forward to working on larger teams with other designers to improve my skills in sharing and presenting work.